5 Common Dental Emergencies in Kids

As a parent, you always want to keep your child safe and healthy. However, accidents can happen. And when they do, knowing how to handle them is important. Dental emergencies are one such example. They can initially seem scary for both you and your child. See what five common dental emergencies occur in children, so you can know how to handle them as you book a visit to your local pediatric dentist in Calgary

5 Dental Emergencies Requiring a Pediatric Dentist in Calgary

#1: Broken or Knocked-Out Tooth

In pediatric dentistry in Calgary, one of the most common dental emergencies is a broken or knocked-out tooth. Naturally, this is the case since children can easily get into an accident or play a sport that could cause it. If your child has a broken tooth, try to find the broken piece and bring it to your pediatric dentist in Calgary. On the other hand, if the tooth has been knocked out, rinse it gently with water and try to reinsert it into the socket. If you can’t reinsert the tooth, put it in a container of milk or saliva and bring it to the dentist.

#2: Toothache

No child likes going through a toothache. Regarding toothaches, anyone in pediatric dentistry in Calgary knows various factors that can cause them. These include the following:

  • Cavities
  • Infection
  • Injury

If your child is experiencing a toothache, rinse their mouth with warm salt water and use a cold compress to reduce swelling. You can also give them over-the-counter pain medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Make sure to schedule an appointment with the dentist as soon as possible to identify and treat the underlying cause of the toothache.

#3: Cut or Bitten Lip or Tongue

Children are prone to accidents, and a cut or bitten lip or tongue is common. If your child has a cut or bitten lip or tongue, clean the area gently with a damp cloth and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. If the bleeding doesn’t stop after a few minutes or the cut is deep, seek medical attention immediately.

#4: Object Stuck in Teeth

Children often put small objects in their mouths. Sometimes those objects can get stuck between their teeth. If your child has an object stuck in their teeth, try to remove it with dental floss or a toothbrush. Don’t use sharp or pointed objects to try to remove them, as this can cause injury. If you can’t remove it or your child is experiencing pain or discomfort, seek dental attention.

#5: Broken Braces or Wires

If your child wears braces, broken brackets or wires can cause discomfort and pain. If a wire is sticking out and causing irritation, try to push it back into place using the eraser end of a pencil. You can also cover the wire with orthodontic wax to reduce discomfort. If a bracket is broken, leave it in place and cover it with wax until you can see the orthodontist.

Preventing Dental Emergencies From a Pediatric Dentist in Calgary

While some dental emergencies are unavoidable, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of dental injuries. Encourage your child to wear a mouthguard when playing sports or participating in other physical activities. Teach your child to avoid chewing on hard objects, such as pencils or ice, which can damage their teeth. Finally, ensure your child practices good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Visiting a dentist shouldn’t be a scary experience for children, and Happy Trails Children’s Dentistry is here to make sure that children feel safe and excited about their regular checkups. Happy Trails is a professional pediatric dentistry proudly serving south Calgary, and we have a goal of creating an inviting and comfortable space for children to receive the best care available. With our fantastic dentist, Dr. Sam, our young patients in Calgary will always have a positive dental experience!     

Is There an Age Limit to Seeing a Pediatric Dentist?

Any pediatric dentist in Calgary plays an important role in children’s teeth development. Children’s teeth grow and change throughout the years, and pediatric dentists oversee these developments while providing the necessary dental care they need. Yet, children eventually grow up. So, it poses the question: is there an age limit to seeing a pediatric dentist? Find the answer to that here. 

Appropriate Age to See a Pediatric Dentist in Calgary 

What a Pediatric Dentist in Calgary Does

Notably, pediatric dentistry in Calgary and everywhere is known for specializing in children’s oral health. Saying they care for children can sound rather vague. It only partially encapsulates the dental care they provide for varying age ranges. To understand whether there is an age limit to seeing a pediatric dentist in Calgary is to understand the scope of pediatric dentistry’s expertise in children’s teeth development. Pediatric dentists specialize in dental care for infants, toddlers, children, and teenagers. Typically, infants as young as one see one once their first tooth comes. Early visits to a pediatric dentist are best as it helps children to grow up with good oral health habits. 

The Flexibility of Age Limit

As you know, teenagers seem to be the oldest demographic among the much younger patients of pediatric dentists. Typically, they can see a patient until they’re 18 years of age. From there, they can start seeing a general dentist. However, only some people stop seeing their pediatric dentist once they’re of legal age. Nowadays, some pediatric patients have remained well past that age. The reason is to spend more time with your pediatric dentist since they have extensive knowledge of their patient’s dental history. As a result, pediatric dentists can still provide dental care for patients during college. 

Transitioning Out of Pediatric Dentistry

Depending on the pediatric dentist, it’s possible to see them well into young adulthood. Yet, at some point or another, they will need to move on from pediatric dentistry. That’s where they will need to transition from a pediatric dentist to find a general dentist. As an adult, by this time, they’re expected to see a general dentist – which can be rather intimidating! The best way to go about this change is to consult your pediatric dentist.

Having their dental history for so long, a pediatric dentist can help give insight into how to go about this shift. For instance, if their patient has special oral health needs. A pediatric dentist can recommend the right dentists with lots of experience in that area. Furthermore, they can help their older pediatric patients with the logistics of certain coverages or payment plans that would work for them. 

Even though time with a pediatric dentist will end, throughout the years, they’ve upheld a foundational part of pediatric dentistry that sticks – by teaching healthy dental habits moving forward. A pediatric dentist is a big part of any child’s dental development by providing the care they need every step of the way. And they will help one last time by preparing young adult patients to start a new chapter in their dental history. 

Visiting a dentist shouldn’t be a scary experience for children, and Happy Trails Children’s Dentistry is here to make sure that children feel safe and excited about their regular checkups. Happy Trails is a professional pediatric dentistry proudly serving south Calgary, and we have a goal of creating an inviting and comfortable space for children to receive the best care available. With our fantastic dentist, Dr. Sam, our young patients in Calgary will always have a positive dental experience!                                  

oral health pediatric dentist calgary

How to Maintain Your Child’s Oral Health While Sick

With cold and flu season here, there is a high chance of your child getting sick. When they fall ill, a parent’s natural inclination is to ensure they get the right nutrients and rest to get better faster. However, parents should stay mindful of their child’s journey to recovery by also keeping up with their oral hygiene. Any pediatric dentist in Calgary can tell you how your physical and oral health is interconnected – that’s why it’s important not to neglect either one. See what you can do to ensure your child gets better and keep a healthy smile here. 

What to Keep in Mind From Your Calgary Pediatric Dentist 

teeth brushing pediatric dentistry calgary

Maintain Oral Hygiene 

This first point is quite straightforward – but it’s worth reiterating. In the context of a sick child, keeping up with brushing and flossing helps prevent harmful bacteria in your child’s mouth. Just as this is good to do so twice daily, it’s also great at assisting your child’s immune system focused on fighting whatever sickness they have. For children exhibiting vomiting symptoms, it can weaken your child’s teeth since it’s being exposed to acids. In this case, ensure they’re rinsing, brushing, and flossing to avoid potential enamel damage. 

Beware Sugary Medicines 

Despite their effectiveness, some cold and flu medicines aren’t easy to swallow. It can make a young child quite fussy, making administering medication difficult. Naturally, parents look for medicine that’s more palatable. For instance, finding a strawberry-flavoured cough syrup to help soothe a sore throat that a child can take without issue. At first, it might seem like the best solution. However, some syrups and cough drops can contain high sugar. With that said, it means after giving your child these syrups or cough drops, it leaves behind a sugary residue on their teeth. Instead, try to find medicines that are advertised as sugar-free. If not, ensure your child rinses their teeth after every time they’ve taken their medicine. 

Staying Hydrated 

Just like everyone should maintain oral hygiene, everyone should also ensure they drink enough water daily. With 60% of our body being water, keeping yourself hydrated is imperative to ensure overall wellness. Plus, as a cardinal rule for when anyone gets sick, you’re told to keep drinking fluids – namely, water. So, it should be no surprise that it ensures oral health while helping your child recover. Water eases the pain of a sore throat by soothing it while keeping the sinuses moist. A congested child risks getting dry mouth because they start breathing from their mouth. As a result, it invites bacteria to spread and lead to possible tooth decay. But drinking water helps to combat it. 

Clean Dental Appliances 

Your child is fighting a virus when they’re sick. In turn, it means they’re highly contagious and can spread easily. Naturally, anything they touch and put in their mouth would have that bacteria. You can prevent reinfection by disinfecting/cleaning or replacing certain dental appliances they use. These include things such as: 

  • Toothbrush
  • Nightguard
  • Retainer
  • Athletic mouth guard

Visiting a dentist shouldn’t be a scary experience for children, and Happy Trails Children’s Dentistry is here to make sure that children feel safe and excited about their regular checkups. Happy Trails is a professional pediatric dentistry proudly serving south Calgary, and we have a goal of creating an inviting and comfortable space for children to receive the best care available. With our fantastic dentist, Dr. Sam, our young patients in Calgary will always have a positive dental experience! 

child braces best pediatric dentist calgary

How Do I Know If My Child Will Need Braces?

Children’s teeth go through varying developmental stages. They lose baby teeth and then grow into adult ones to replace them. 

Yet, when these teeth erupt, they can be misaligned. Misaligned teeth can lead to various oral health issues for your child unless addressed sooner – which is usually treated with braces. 

But how can you tell if your child’s teeth are misaligned to warrant braces? 

See if your child might need braces by learning what can cause misaligned teeth before booking an appointment with a pediatric dentist in Calgary

Signs to Look Out for According to a Calgary Pediatric Dentist

boy with braces best pediatric dentist calgary

Early Development Signs

A child losing their baby teeth for the first time is a normal part of development. The only concern a parent might have during this time is reminding their child to put their tooth underneath their pillow for the tooth fairy. Though what’s important for parents to know is when their child loses their baby teeth. Commonly, it’s expected for baby teeth to come in during the ages of one to three. When baby teeth fall out, that’s usually around the age of six, while all baby teeth should be gone and replaced with adult teeth by around the age of 12-13. However, early or late loss of baby teeth can lead to needing braces. So, if your child has experienced early or late baby teeth loss, it’s best to anticipate they might need braces. 

Certain Habit Signs 

Certain habits your child might have them wearing braces in the future. Thankfully, unlike developmental signs, you can have some control in helping to reduce your child’s chances of needing braces. 

Here are a few habits below that can create orthodontic issues:

  • Thumb sucking: Prolonged thumb sucking past the age of two to four causes teeth misalignment. 
  • Mouth breathing: Misalignment occurs since mouth breathing affects the development of your jaw & position of teeth. 
  • Problems with chewing/biting: If your child is struggling to chew or bite their food, it can mean they have misaligned teeth. Common signs are if food is left in the mouth, falls out of their mouth, or they’re slowly & improperly chewing and eating. 

If your child experiences any of these habits, consult your pediatric dentist on what you can do to rectify them and hopefully prevent needing braces. 

Clear Visual Signs 

Of all the signs your child needs braces, these are the most obvious. They’re rather hard not to overlook. Some parents might find their child’s crooked teeth cute. Unfortunately, this misplaced sentiment can harm a child’s oral health. Overlapping and crowded teeth make regular oral hygiene more difficult and lead to dental diseases like gingivitis. Braces will reduce those chances and leave them with a better, straighter smile. Beyond crooked teeth, having a misaligned jaw and improper bite leads to needing braces. 

Here are common bites that would need correcting with braces:

  • Overbite: when the upper teeth jut outward and do not overlap properly with the lower teeth.
  • Underbite: where the lower just outward does not coincide properly with the upper teeth.
  • Crossbite: where the teeth do not overlap correctly.
  • Open bite: where there is a gap between the upper and lower front teeth, even when the mouth is closed.

If your child exhibits any of these signs, it would be best to book a pediatric dentist appointment to confirm whether your child needs braces or not.

Visiting a dentist shouldn’t be a scary experience for children, and Happy Trails Children’s Dentistry is here to make sure that children feel safe and excited about their regular checkups. Happy Trails is a professional pediatric dentistry proudly serving south Calgary, and we have a goal of creating an inviting and comfortable space for children to receive the best care available. With our fantastic dentist, Dr. Sam, our young patients in Calgary will always have a positive dental experience!                                  

pediatric dentistry calgary

What To Do If Your Child is Scared of the Dentist

Any pediatric dentist in Calgary has seen first-hand how scared some children get about the dentist. It can leave many parents at a loss for what to do to quell their child’s dental anxiety. Thankfully, there are ways you can help ease your child’s fears before your next visit. 

See what you can do here!

Understanding Children’s Dental Anxiety from a Pediatric Dentist in Calgary

pediatric dentist south calgary

What is Dental Anxiety?

Adults and children alike can experience dental anxiety. Yet, what exactly is it? For children, dental anxiety is the crippling feeling of either fear, anxiety, or nervousness at the thought of a dental appointment. These feelings can potentially turn into odontophobia. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), odontophobia is the fear of the dentist and is a real phobia that can develop if left unaddressed. That said, there are various reasons for dental anxiety in children. In this case, you must get to the root of your child’s fear of the dentist and see how you can quell their anxieties surrounding it. 

Reasons for Dental Anxiety 

Not all children’s reason for dental anxiety is the same. Their fear can stem from plenty of places. Here are a few reasons why a child might be afraid of a dentist:

A Bad Experience

If your child’s first experience at a previous dentist wasn’t great, it could have them scared to go for another dental visit. Furthermore, if a child only hears about others’ bad dental visits, they will naturally develop that fear. For children’s first time at the dentist, they’re already afraid of the unknown – best not to add more nightmare fuel to their imaginations with talk like that. 

Unfriendly Environment

For some children, the smells and sounds of a dental office can seem overwhelming. Most notably, it can be an issue for children with special needs or who have sensory problems. A harsh clinical environment can leave them afraid, and even how dentists dress and conduct themselves can seem frightening to a child. In addition, some can become adverse to the dentist if they feel embarrassed about their teeth’ condition.

Scary Procedures

Mostly, what is involved in a dental procedure can scare children. A common culprit of dental anxiety stems from needles since children worry about the pain. Others fear the sound of drills or have difficulty breathing or gagging during a dental procedure. Also, some sensitive children can become scared of seeing blood if they see one during a procedure.  

A Solution to Dental Anxiety 

Thankfully, there is a solution for dental anxiety. If your child was having issues with the dentist’s clinic, you might consider having them see a pediatric dentist instead. 

Pediatric dentistry specializes in children’s oral care. They’re more than qualified as they can make a dental visit seem more fun rather than scary. They can communicate with children to understand their fear and find ways to ease them, along with giving you tips as a parent on what to do too.

Furthermore, a pediatric dental clinic is more welcoming than your typical dentist. They’re usually colourful and kid-friendly by providing toys to keep them from stewing in anxiety. And lastly, more visits will also help normalize them so they won’t be scared anymore. 

Visiting a dentist shouldn’t be a scary experience for children, and Happy Trails Children’s Dentistry is here to make sure that children feel safe and excited about their regular checkups. Happy Trails is a professional pediatric dentistry proudly serving south Calgary, and we have a goal of creating an inviting and comfortable space for children to receive the best care available. With our fantastic dentist, Dr. Sam, our young patients in Calgary will always have a positive dental experience!

childrens dentist calgary

When Should I Take My Kid to the Dentist?

An infant’s smile is utterly heart-melting and wholesome. For a new parent, you want to ensure their smile remains not only cute but also healthy as well. However, you might be asking yourself: when is the best time to take my child to a dental visit?

Learn when you should take your child, so you can book an appointment with a pediatric dentist in Calgary to help your little one’s oral health for years to come! 

boy sitting in dentist chair childrens dentist calgary
Little boy sitting on a dentist’s chair.

The Right Time for a Dental Visit

A child’s growth makes every development a milestone – like the appearance of their first tooth! 

If you notice a single pearly white tooth, you should take that as an indication to set up a dental appointment for your infant. According to the Canadian Dental Association, it’s recommended infants get assessed by a dentist within six months of the eruption of the first tooth or by one year of age. 

You might wonder why an infant needs a dental visit so early, but there are good reasons for it! 

Namely, one of the most important reasons is to have your child visit the dentist before there is a problem with their teeth. Since children grow rapidly, it’s best to schedule dental exams every six months, so it’s easier for your child’s dentist to catch any minor oral issues early and give advice on their oral care. 

Plus, introducing your child early to a dental environment helps build good dental habits that will remain as they grow up. 

How to Prepare for First Dental Visit

Before you see a dentist, you want to ensure that you’re going to the right one for your child’s oral care. You want to find a dentist that specializes in pediatric dentistry in Calgary in particular. 

A general dentist’s office can handle children, but not to the same standards as a pediatric dentist. Pediatric dentists have extensive additional training in the development, anatomy and conditions that are specific to infants, children, and adolescents (including children with special needs). With a pediatric dentist, you can ensure you’re getting the best care while they provide a child-friendly environment.

In which case, how do you prepare for a pediatric dentist appointment?

If you’re taking your infant for the first time, you can start by coming up with a list of questions you have about practicing good oral hygiene for your baby. In this way, you can ensure you’re properly maintaining your infant’s oral health. 

Also, another good thing to consider is doing paperwork before the appointment so you’re not stuck in the waiting room for too long. 

However, if your child’s dental visit is at a later age, you can help them adjust to the experience by showing them dental visit videos. It can help your child grasp what to expect without feeling anxious about it.

What the First Dental Visit Looks Like

The first appointment with a pediatric dentist allows you to be with your infant or child in the room. Pediatric dentists are adept at helping to soothe a child and make them feel comfortable first before performing a routine examination. You can expect them to look for signs of tooth decay by checking your child’s gums, jaw, and bite for frenum issues or other issues that may affect teeth or speech patterns. Once done, your pediatric dentist will clean your child’s gums and teeth before concluding with ways to support their oral care and address any questions you might have. 

Visiting a dentist shouldn’t be a scary experience for children, and Happy Trails Children’s Dentistry is here to make sure that children feel safe and excited about their regular checkups. Happy Trails is a professional pediatric dentistry proudly serving south Calgary, and we have a goal of creating an inviting and comfortable space for children to receive the best care available. With our fantastic dentist, Dr. Sam, our young patients in Calgary will always have a positive dental experience!

kid brushing teeth pediatric dentist calgary

The Importance of Kids Brushing Every Day

Getting your child to brush their teeth daily can feel as difficult as pulling teeth sometimes! 

Any pediatric dentist in Calgary is all-too-familiar with this issue that parents have. Thankfully, there are ways for parents to encourage their kids to brush their teeth without fuss.

When you thoroughly understand why your kids need to brush their teeth daily, you can easily communicate it so that your children can understand and make it easier to have them brush those pearly whites! 

father and son brushing teeth pediatric dentist calgary

Best Age to Start Brushing

A common question from parents is this: “What should my child start brushing?” Many parents would be surprised to know it’s after seeing their first tooth! A child’s first tooth will typically appear when they’re still an infant at around six months old. 

You will be responsible for maintaining their oral health as an infant until they’re around three years old. According to Alberta Health, children should be brushing their own teeth every morning and night by age 4. Parents should gradually introduce fluoride to their brushing routine as they supervise and check their kids’ brushing for proper cleaning. 

Once they’re eight years old, they should be able to brush on their own without your help and supervision. 

Why Kids’ Oral Health Matters

The fundamental importance of having your kids brush their teeth daily is to help instill it as a healthy habit. Practicing good oral care early every day can help prevent your kids from developing any future tooth decay-like cavities.

Children and adults alike can grow habits through consistency, which easily applies to teaching your child to brush their teeth. When you introduce good oral care daily to your kids early, they can effectively integrate it into their daily morning and evening routine. 

How to Get the Kids into Brushing

Kids are incredibly impressionable and easily emulate their parents. If your child sees you don’t brush, it will be harder to convince them that brushing is important. From a child’s perspective, they think: “If mom and dad don’t brush, why do I have to do so?” So, set an example by brushing your teeth daily as well!

Additionally, you can find fun, creative ways to help get your little ones to brush their teeth every day. 

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Simply brushing together (i.e. copying you)
  • Make a game out of it (i.e. brushing all teeth properly at a set time)
  • Positive affirmations after brushing
  • Watch an engaging video on oral health and brushing
  • Have a reward system after brushing 

These are just a few ways to motivate your kids to brush their teeth daily. You know your child best about what they might find fun. So, try to appeal to them in this way that helps to encourage consistent oral care for them every day. 

Visiting a dentist shouldn’t be a scary experience for children, and Happy Trails Children’s Dentistry is here to make sure that children feel safe and excited about their regular checkups. Happy Trails is a professional pediatric dentistry proudly serving south Calgary, and we have a goal of creating an inviting and comfortable space for children to receive the best care available. With our fantastic dentist, Dr. Sam, our young patients in Calgary will always have a positive dental experience!

childrens dentist calgary

Prepare Your Kids For Routine Dental Visits

The school year is upon us, which means it’s time to get back into our ‘regular’ routines. Early wake-up calls, preparing lunches, attending school, and going for routine check-ups at Happy Trails Children’s Dentistry! 

Why Visit A Pediatric Dentist in Calgary? 

A dental checkup is a key component of your child’s overall healthcare. Their oral health can tell us way more than just how their teeth and gums are doing. We can see if their oral health is on the right track, implement good habits now and even detect if there are any other health concerns. 

Dr. Sam and our team at Happy Trails are trained specifically to work with children. We’ve gone above and beyond to make our space comfortable, safe and inviting for all. From fun activities, amiable staff, and meeting our friendly critter characters. Your child is sure to have a positive experience with us! 

Preparation At-Home 

It’s a great idea to speak with your children at home about visiting a pediatric dentist for a dental checkup. We want to make this a fun and exciting experience for them. Let them know it’s something to look forward to and how they will get to sit in the dental chair, look up at the sky and see some friendly faces zipping around! You can also let them know they will receive a prize from our Treasure Tower at the end of their visit too. 

In-Person Tour

We welcome you to come in for a tour before your first visit! We can show your little one around so that they feel comfortable in our space. We can schedule this ahead of time and ask you to fill out our COVID screening form prior to your visit as well. 

Why Are Routines Important? 

When your child regularly comes in for a visit, we can keep a consistent eye and use a preventive approach when it comes to oral health. If we wait too long, a problem can become worse down the road and end up becoming costly or painful. We suggest a visit with Dr. Sam and our team at least twice a year. This way, we can consistently partner with you on your child’s health! 

It is also important for your child to build a connection with Dr. Sam. Children need to see a recognizable and consistent friendly face to build trust. That’s why Dr. Sam is a single-dedicated dentist who loves working with kids! You can feel confident and at ease knowing that your child will see the exact same face at every dental appointment. This helps to develop a positive experience for their routine visits. 

Kids Dental Check-Ups In Calgary

We’re here to help you stay on top of your child’s oral health! Book their routine dental check-ups with Dr. Sam at Happy Trails Children’s Dentistry. We can’t wait to meet you!

childrens dentist calgary

How Thumb Sucking Can Impact Your Child’s Smile!

Most infants have the natural urge to suck their thumb as a comforting habit. Although cute, it’s important to note that your child’s thumb sucking can have an impact on their smile if prolonged. 

Side Effects Of Long-Term Thumb Sucking 

While most children will break their own thumb-sucking habit between the ages of two and four, it’s important to be educated on the possible negative side effects of prolonged thumb-sucking. Here are some possible ways thumb sucking can impact the appearance of your child’s smile and oral development. 

  • Misaligned Bite

If your child sucks their thumb for a prolonged period of time, it can cause dental malocclusion. Over time, the pressure of your child’s thumb can cause their teeth to shift.

  • Speech Problems. 

As a result of misaligned teeth, children can develop a speech impediment. Consistent thumb sucking may cause lisping and/or an inability to pronounce “D” and “T” sounds. 

How To Break Your Child’s Thumb-Sucking Habits 

If you notice your child sucking their thumb past the age of four, you may want to consider intervention. We first recommend having an open discussion with your child. Ask them why they suck their thumb and share with them some reasons why it might be time to stop the habit. You can try offering incentives or rewards to encourage your child to stop sucking their thumb. If you need further assistance, you can contact our children’s dentist in Calgary. Dr. Sam and our team would be happy to share a few tips and talk about helpful appliances during your next visit!  

Take Your Child To A Children’s Dentist In Calgary

Dr. Sam and our dedicated staff would love to meet you and your kids! We are passionate about making your child feel at home when they visit our practice. Our clinic offers preventative dentistry, oral health exams and emergency dental care. We welcome children with special health needs and take pride in creating a welcoming environment for every child! Call us at 587-576-KIDS (5437) to book your consultation.

A child being taught how to brush her teeth

Fantastic Benefits Of Fluoride For Your Child

Sometimes referred to as “nature’s cavity fighter”, fluoride is a natural mineral that does wonders for our teeth. As your child’s teeth are sensitive and growing, it’s important to know what dental solutions are right for them and to understand how they work! At Happy Trails Children Dentistry, our mission is to give every child not just a beautiful smile but a warm and educational experience. Let’s take a look at the benefits of fluoride and why it’s important for you and your child’s oral health!

What Is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that can be found in a variety of things, such as toothpaste, tap water, and our bones! This impressive solution has been proven to not only fight cavities but to also help strengthen enamel! Cleaning the outer layers of your teeth with fluoride toothpaste, it will not only make your teeth stronger but also more resistant to acids that can harm your teeth!

From fruit to refined carbohydrates such as pasta, it’s important to give your kids the proper tools to help their teeth sustain their diet! By giving them toothpaste with fluoride, you are ensuring a great start to their oral health journey.

When Should They Start?

The Canadian Dental Association recommends that children start using fluoride toothpaste between the ages of three to six. Make sure only to use a pea size amount of toothpaste, and ensure your child knows how to clean and spit properly! Try to purchase a pediatric-approved toothpaste in their early years to ensure nothing is too abrasive for their teeth. This is also important as children’s toothpaste will contain digestible ingredients since children may be more prone to accidentally swallowing while brushing! 

Since the water in Calgary isn’t fluoridated, parents can use a rice grain amount of fluoridated toothpaste as soon as their child’s first tooth erupts! If you are unsure or need extra help on how to brush your children’s teeth properly, check out our blog post Teaching Your Child How To Brush Their Teeth

Bring Your Little Ones To Calgary!

Come visit Dr. Sam and our amazing staff in Calgary. Our team is specially trained in serving children, and we want to make sure your little ones have the best experience ever! We offer tips on preventative dentistry, x-rays, and oral health exams! Give us a call at 587-576-KIDS (5437) to book your consultation today. We look forward to meeting you and giving your child a happy and healthy smile!

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