Emergency Dental Care

At Happy Trails Children’s Dentistry, we believe that no child should experience dental-related pain. Suppose your child is suffering from a common pediatric dental emergency. In that case, Dr. Sam and our pediatric dental clinic have the training and skills to help alleviate your child’s pain and navigate through their emergency.

If an emergency comes up, it’s crucial to seek treatment for your child as soon as possible. This can help our team potentially save the tooth and reduce the risk of extensive dental treatment.

Pediatric dental emergencies can include the following:

  • Broken or cracked teeth
  • Injured or discoloured teeth due to a fall or trauma
  • Severe toothaches
  • A knocked-out baby or permanent tooth (teeth)
  • Swelling in the oral cavity, mouth, cheek or face
  • Trauma or injury to the jaw

We understand that any dental emergency is overwhelming, especially as parents caring for a child. Our team can act quickly to help your child as soon as possible. Please keep our office phone number readily available in case of a pediatric dental emergency.