Child loses a tooth

Three Things To Do When Your Child Loses A Tooth

Losing a tooth is something everyone has to go through at some point in their lives. Children typically start losing their baby teeth around the age of 6 years old. Oftentimes, they fall out in the same order they erupted. This can be both an exciting and overwhelming experience for the parent and child. Dr. Sam and our team of pediatric dental professionals have put together three of our top tips to help soothe your child when they lose a tooth.

  • Do Not Panic

The first thing to remember is to avoid panicking. We understand your concern for your child, but just remember that this is a natural process and does not cause extreme pain to your little one. You should let them know that losing a tooth is normal and even get them excited about a visit from the tooth fairy!

In most cases, you should leave the tooth to fall out on its own. This will help to promote fast healing and reduce pain.

Clean Your Child’s Gum 

Once the tooth has fallen out, it’s important to clean the area. We recommended gently wiping the socket and surrounding area with a soft, damp washcloth or gauze. You can also have your little one rinse their mouth with warm salt water. Although this might be slightly uncomfortable, it will help to clean the socket and heal the area faster.

  • Focus On Consistent Oral Hygiene

Once your child starts to develop their adult teeth, oral hygiene becomes even more important! Take the time to explain to your child that these new, permanent teeth will be in their smile forever! Ensure they brush their teeth at least twice a day for two minutes. Avoid brushing the socket at first, and make sure they are using a soft-bristled toothbrush.

If it takes more than six months for the permanent tooth to appear, you should contact us to check in on the development.

Take Your Child To A Pediatric Dentist in Calgary! 

One of the best ways to make sure your child’s smile stays happy and healthy is to have them complete biannual dental appointments! Contact us today to book your child’s next visit and help them maintain good oral health! Make sure to also follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for more oral health tips and tricks!