Cute child smiling through the camera

How To Protect Your Child’s Tooth Enamel

Although tooth enamel is among the hardest surfaces in the body, it still needs extra care and attention. It is a vital part of your tooth as it helps protect your tooth’s inner layer from pressure, harmful bacteria, and acids. Sometimes, the enamel may not be fully formed in children, making their teeth susceptible to fractures and decay.

What Makes The Tooth Enamel Weak In Children?

The most common cause of weak enamel in children is enamel erosion. This is caused by excess consumption of sugary and starchy foods. They leave acid deposits on the tooth surface, which corrode the enamel. 

Tips on How to Protect Your Child’s Tooth Enamel

      To keep your child’s enamel healthy, follow these guidelines.

  1.   Practice Good Dental Hygiene

Regardless of whether your child has one tooth or ten teeth, brush them daily. Any food debris left on the tooth’s surface is fertile ground for bacteria that can cause enamel corrosion

Our team at Happy Trails Children’s Dentistry recommends brushing twice per day with suitable toothpaste. Use only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to minimize swallowing. Also, ensure you use a child-friendly toothbrush so that you don’t hurt your baby’s gums.

  1.   Avoid Foods And Drinks That Are Rich In Sugar

Sugary foods are not good for your child’s teeth. A children’s dentist will tell you that the sugar acid is corrosive to the enamel and causes plaque and cavities. When buying snacks, ensure you get those with the lowest sugar content. Avoid juice boxes and sodas as they have high sugar content. If your child does indulge in a sugary snack, ensure you give them water to drink to help rinse it off their mouth.

What To Do If Your Child’s Enamel Is Weak

Taking your child to visit Dr. Sam at least twice yearly is recommended since she will be able to catch any tooth concerns early on. Additionally, our team will advise you on how best to brush and floss your child’s teeth to prevent weak enamel. If your child’s enamel is weak, you need to visit a pediatric dentist first for evaluation. After that, a suitable treatment option will be recommended.

Visit Us With Your Little One In Calgary!

Welcome to our Pediatric Dental Clinic in Calgary, where Dr. Sam and our wonderful staff will attend to your little ones. We offer pediatric services such as oral health exams and preventative dentistry that will offer your child the ultimate experience. Our tips on all matters of dentistry, including digital x-rays, will give your child a healthy and bright smile. All you need to do is book an appointment or call 587-576-KIDS (5437).